About me

About me

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🌟 My Data Science & AI Portfolio 🌟

Welcome to my portfolio repository! Here you will find information about my academic background, university and personal projects, as well as a few articles on my personal and professional experiences. Feel free to contact me for any questions or collaboration proposals. Happy reading!

📚 About Me

Currently a second-year Master’s student in CMI ISI at the University of Bordeaux, I am actively seeking a 6-month internship starting in February 2025. My academic journey has allowed me to acquire strong skills in statistics, computer science, and data science. I am passionate about Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and I am eager to apply my knowledge in a stimulating professional environment. Please feel free to contact me for any internship opportunities or collaboration proposals.

🎓 Education

I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Statistical and Computer Science Engineering at the University of Bordeaux. Since the beginning of my higher education, I have been following the CMI ISI program.
The Cursus Master Ingénierie (CMI) are progressive and demanding university programs with a national label awarded by the Figure network. These are five-year, coherent programs leading to engineering functions with interaction with the research field, based on the international model of the “Master of Engineering.” A national reference guarantees the balance of this demanding program (20% more teaching than a traditional license-master program), motivating and inspired by the curricula of major international universities. A significant amount of time is dedicated to projects and internships, combining scientific specialization and personal development.

Link to the University of Bordeaux website

Link to the CMI ISI website

Here is an overview of my academic journey, along with the subjects studied each semester:

Bachelor’s Degree (University of Bordeaux)


  • General Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Digital Skills – Methodology and Communication
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Interdisciplinary Opening
  • English


  • Linear Algebra 1
  • Analysis
  • Array Algorithmics
  • Introduction to C Programming under Unix
  • CMI ISI Statistics Project
  • English
  • CMI ISI Internship in a Company


  • Analysis 2
  • Linear Algebra 2
  • Algorithmics of Basic Data Structures
  • C Programming
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Probability, Continuous Random Variables
  • English
  • Methods and Tools for Using Computer Systems


  • Analysis 3
  • Optimization
  • Functional Programming Algorithmics
  • Databases and Web Programming
  • Science and Communication 2
  • CMI Programming Project
  • English
  • Professional Opening

S5 (Erasmus Exchange at Radboud University, Netherlands)

  • Data Mining
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Formal Reasoning
  • Information Modeling and Databases

S6 (Erasmus Exchange at Radboud University, Netherlands)

  • Big Data
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Research & Development Project
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Frequentist Statistics
  • IT & Society
  • Law Privacy & Identity

Master’s Degree (University of Bordeaux)


  • Probability and Statistics
  • Data Representation and Multidimensional Statistics
  • Regression Models
  • Computer Tools for Data Processing
  • Data Analysis, Classification, Indexing
  • Analytical Visualization Project
  • Management and Organizational Theory
  • English


  • Markov Chains
  • Martingales and Stochastic Algorithms
  • MCMC Methods
  • Convex Optimization for Inverse Problems
  • Expertise Project in Statistics and Probability
  • Environmental Data Statistics Project
  • Computational Statistics for Data Exploration
  • Advanced Databases

S9 (ongoing)

  • Statistics and Data Analysis in High Dimensions
  • Introduction to Deep Learning and Data Science Challenge
  • Supervised Learning
  • Mixed Linear Models and Applications in Biostatistics
  • Optimization in High Dimensions – Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
  • Computational Optimal Transport for Data Science
  • Data and Network Science
  • Management and Ethics
  • Scientific Article Reading
  • English

S10 (upcoming)

  • Big Data Project
  • Elective: Open Data Project and Data Science in Enterprise or Reading and Synthesis of Research Papers
  • Long Internship in a Company or Laboratory