
My Exchange Experience

Academic exchange at the University of Radboud in Nijmegen, Netherlands

My Exchange Experience in the Netherlands at Radboud University


This article is not about a project but about my University exchange experience. I choose to write it in the form of a presentation since for me it is one the best experiences I had in my life. I learned a lot during this year and I met many great people. I hope you will enjoy reading it.

I had the opportunity to study at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a year as part of the Erasmus program. I would like to share my experience with you. This presentation will be written in English since it is the language that I used during my stay in the Netherlands. I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Why Radboud University?

I chose Radboud University because it is one of the best universities in the Netherlands. It is located in Nijmegen, a city known for its student life. The university offers a wide range of courses in English, which is perfect for international students. I was also attracted by the beautiful campus and the friendly atmosphere.

At Radboud University, I studied computer science and took courses in artificial intelligence, data science, and software engineering. I had the opportunity to work on interesting projects and collaborate with students from different countries. The professors were very knowledgeable and supportive, and I learned a lot during my time at the university.

Exchange students at Radboud University have access to many facilities, such as the library, sports center, and student organizations. There are also many events and activities organized for international students, which allowed me to meet new people and make friends.

Faculty of Science, Radboud University

The Faculty of Science at Radboud University is a modern building with state-of-the-art facilities. It has computer labs, study rooms, and research centers where students can work on projects and conduct experiments. The faculty also has a cafeteria and a library, which are great places to relax and study. I spent a lot of time at the faculty during my exchange year, and I enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere and the sense of community.

Radboud Sports Center

The Radboud Sports Center is a great place to stay active and meet new people. It has a gym, swimming pool, and sports fields where students can participate in various activities and sports. I enjoyed going to the sports center after class and doing fitness. It was a great way to stay healthy and relieve stress. The sports center also organizes tournaments and events for students, which are a lot of fun.

Academic Experience

Studying at Radboud University was a great experience. The courses were challenging and interesting, and I had the opportunity to learn from top researchers in the field. I particularly enjoyed the practical assignments and group projects, which allowed me to apply my knowledge to real-world problems. The university has excellent facilities, such as computer labs, study rooms, and research centers, which made it easy to study and work on projects.

Overview of Courses

During my exchange semester, I took the following courses:

First Semester

  • Data Mining
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Formal Reasoning
  • Information Modelling and Databases

During this first semester, I learned about machine learning with a focus on data mining and algorithms. I also studied artificial intelligence and formal reasoning, which gave me a solid foundation in the field. The course on information modeling and databases was very practical, and I had the opportunity to work on a project where I designed and implemented a database system. All those courses were taught in English, which was a great opportunity to improve my language skills. I also had the chance to participate in many group projects and presentations, which helped me to develop my communication and teamwork skills.

Second Semester

  • Big Data
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Research & Development Project
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Frequentist Statistics
  • IT & Society
  • Law Privacy & Identity

During the second semester, I focused on big data and software engineering. I learned about object-oriented programming and software design, and I had the opportunity to work on a research project where I developed a software application with a team of students and managers. We learned about agile methodologies and project management, and we delivered a working prototype at the end of the semester. There is a page dedicated to this project on my website, where you can find more information about it. I also took courses about data privacy and ethics, which were very interesting and relevant to my field of study. Overall, I had a great academic experience at Radboud University, and I learned a lot from the courses and projects I worked on.
In the next section, I will talk about the projects I worked on during my exchange year.


During my time at Radboud University, I worked on several projects, and I would like to highlight my favorite ones here:

Requirements Engineering Project

In this project, I worked with a team of students and managers to develop a software application about work out. We used Figma to design the user interface. We also wrote user stories and acceptance criteria, and we used Jira to manage the project. It was a great experience to work with a team and learn about requirements engineering.

Research & Development Project

In this project, I worked with a team of students and researchers to develop an intelligent scheduling system for students. We created an algorithm that takes into account the preferences of students and the availability of resources to generate optimal schedules. We used Python and Django to develop the system, and we tested it with real data from the university. It was a challenging project, but we learned a lot from it.

Software Engineering Project

In this project, I worked with a team of students and managers to develop a software application for a cybersecurity company called Northwave. We used agile methodologies and project management tools to plan and execute the project. We also conducted user testing and feedback sessions to improve the application. It was a great experience to work on a real-world project and deliver a working product. You can find more information about this project on this page.

Snakes Game Project in Java

In this project, I developed a simple snakes game in Java. I used object-oriented programming principles to design the game, and I implemented features such as snake movement, food generation, and collision detection. It was a fun project to work on, and I learned a lot about game development and Java programming.

Big Data Project

In this project, I analyzed a large amount of web data using big data tools such as Hadoop and Spark. The data was in WARC format with a size of 700 GB. I used MapReduce and Spark to process the data and extract useful information from it. My analysis focused on Wikipedia images analysis. I implemented a pipeline with scripts in Scala to run it on the university cluster. It was a challenging project, but I learned a lot about big data technologies and data analysis.

Social and Cultural Experience

Living in the Netherlands was a great experience. I had the opportunity to explore the country and learn about Dutch culture. I visited many cities, such as Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Rotterdam, and I enjoyed the beautiful architecture and landscapes. I also tried traditional Dutch food, such as stroopwafels, poffertjes, and haring, which were delicious. The Dutch people were very friendly and welcoming, and I made many friends during my stay. I also had the opportunity to try to learn Dutch and practice it with locals, but it was challenging because I think Dutch is a difficult language to learn. So I mostly spoke English during my time in the Netherlands and I had no problem communicating with people. I also participated in many events and activities organized for international students, such as parties, sports tournaments, and cultural exchanges. It was a great way to meet new people and make friends from all over the world. Overall, I had a great social and cultural experience in the Netherlands, and I will always cherish the memories I made during my exchange year.

Travel Experience

During my exchange year, I had the opportunity to travel to many countries in Europe. I visited Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, and I enjoyed exploring new places and learning about different cultures.


I visited Germany at the beginning of my exchange year. I went to Cologne. I visited the Cologne Cathedral, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and I enjoyed the beautiful architecture and history of the city. I also tried traditional German food, such as sausages and pretzels, which were delicious. I had a great time exploring the city and learning about German culture. I wanted to thank Jake, Sumika, and Nofar, who were friends that I met in Nijmegen, for this great trip.

Cologne Cathedral

Here is a picture of the Cologne Cathedral, which is one of the most famous landmarks in Germany. You can see Jake and me in the picture. We had a great time exploring the city and learning about its history.


I visited Italy during the winter break. I went to Bologna and Venice. I visited the University of Bologna, which is the oldest university in the world, and I learned about the history of the city. I also visited Venice, which is known for its canals and gondolas. I enjoyed exploring the city and trying traditional Italian food, such as pizza and pasta. I had a great time in Italy and I would love to visit again in the future.

Santa Maria del Giglio, Venice

Here is a picture of Santa Maria del Giglio in Venice. I had a great time exploring the city and learning about its history and culture. I also enjoyed the gondola ride, which was a unique experience. I would highly recommend visiting Venice if you have the opportunity. It is a beautiful city with a lot to offer. The gastronomy is also amazing, I tried many different dishes and I loved them all. I would love to go back to Italy in the future and explore more of the country.


I visited Switzerland during the spring break. I went to Zurich. I had some problems with the travel because the bus broke down on the way to Zurich in the middle of the night in Germany. So I took the train to Zurich. I visited the Swiss National Museum, which is a beautiful castle-like building with exhibits about Swiss history and culture. I also explored the Old Town, which is a beautiful place to explore. I enjoyed the stunning views of the Alps and the peaceful atmosphere of the city. I had a great time in Switzerland and I would love to visit again in the future.


Here is a picture of a rhino statue in the center of Zurich. I had a great time exploring the city and learning about its history and culture. I also enjoyed the beautiful views of the Alps and the lake. Zurich is a great city to visit if you love nature and outdoor activities. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is planning a trip to Switzerland.

Personal Growth and Development

My exchange year at Radboud University was a transformative experience that helped me grow as a person and develop new skills.

  • I learned to be more independent and self-reliant, and I gained confidence in my abilities. I learned to manage my time effectively and prioritize my tasks.

  • I also learned to adapt to new environments and cultures, and I became more open-minded. I learned to appreciate the diversity of the world and the importance of tolerance and understanding.

  • I made many friends from different countries, and I learned about their cultures and traditions. I also improved my language skills and learned to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.

  • I developed my teamwork and leadership skills through group projects and presentations. I learned to work with people from different backgrounds and disciplines, and I learned to listen to others and respect their opinions.

  • I also developed my problem-solving and critical thinking skills through challenging assignments and projects. I learned to analyze complex problems and find creative solutions to them. I also learned to think critically and evaluate information objectively.

Overall, my exchange year at Radboud University was a life-changing experience that helped me grow as a person and develop new skills. I am grateful for the opportunity to study at such a prestigious university and I will always cherish the memories I made during my time in the Netherlands.


In conclusion, my exchange year at Radboud University was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I had the opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the Netherlands and learn from top researchers in the field. I also had the opportunity to explore the country and learn about Dutch culture. I made many friends from different countries and developed new skills that will help me in my future career. I am grateful for the opportunity to study abroad and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering it. I hope this presentation has given you an insight into my exchange experience and inspired you to pursue your own academic adventure.


I would like to thank Radboud University for hosting me during my exchange year and providing me with a great academic experience. I would also like to thank all the professors, students, and staff who made my time at the university memorable. I would also like to thank Jake, Sumika, and Nofar for being great friends and travel companions during my time in the Netherlands. I would also like to thank Felix, my German friend who was my duo partner during the second semester. We learned a lot from each other and we had a great time working together. I would also like to thank the Northwash team who integrated me during the software engineering project. I learned a lot from them and since they were all Dutch, I had the opportunity to learn a lot about the Dutch culture and work environment. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their support and encouragement throughout my exchange year. I would also like to thank the Erasmus program for giving me the opportunity to study abroad and experience new cultures. I am grateful for the experience and I will always cherish the memories I made during my time in the Netherlands.
Thank you for reading my presentation and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to share more about my exchange experience and answer any questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day!


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